Welcome Beautiful Beings

Performance Coaching for the Expanding Artist

Expanding Awareness of airway and muscular tension through the Exploration of Consciousness

Balancing the Chaotic Mind and the Aching Body

Know Thyself 

Utilizing Breathwork and Meditation to Create the Artist You Intend to Be

Honoring the Healing Potential of the Traditional Music of our Ancestors

Awareness Within

Asking good questions as you embark on this challenge to connect deeper with yourself is an art. This activates true Emergence allowing you to fully bloom as your unique self. It is time to reconnect with the core of who your are. It is ok to recognize your densities, to let go of that which really constricts you. Open yourself to new organic beliefs about yourself, and be the radiant being you came here to be! Embrace all of you!

Start by changing the way you talk to yourself, the way you treat yourself and the way you see yourself. Once you change the way you see yourself, you change the way the world sees you too.

The Inner Dialogue

Often we are hardest on ourselves! Watch the way you talk to yourself and ask if that’s the way you would want someone to talk to you! If not, change your dialogue. Be nicer and compassionate! Be all the things that you are to others. There is such a beautiful shift that happens in one’s life when we begin to change the way we talk and treat ourselves. We become beautiful from the inside out! And we begin to teach others how to do the same without even trying!

  • Activate and Connect with Your Subconscious

  • Balance

  • Self Care is Team Care

  • Thank you, Natalee. I love working with you! You have a special gift.

    Dr. Glenda O.

  • I love working with Natalee. She is guiding me through a unique process of learning about my own strengths and beautiful gifts.

    -Dr. Christine S.